Biolab Membrane Wrap

amniotic allograft membrane

BioLab Membrane Wrap™ is a readily available amnion-amnion human tissue allograft derived from the amniotic membrane that serves as a barrier and provides protective covering for the wound. It is minimally manipulated, preserving the properties exhibited in its natural state*, while remaining compliant with FDA Regulations.

Membrane Wrap
Size (cm)
1x1MW01011 cm²
2x2MW02024 cm²
2x3MW02036 cm²
4x4MW040416 cm²
4x6MW040624 cm²
4x8MW040832 cm²
6x8MW060848 cm²
10x10MW1010100 cm²

BioLab Membrane Wrap™ is awound cover and has been used indifferent wound types such as:
• Diabetic Foot Ulcers
• Venous Leg Ulcers
• Severe Wounds


Instruction to Use